Tuesday 6 April 2010

Natural skincare

We cannot avoid coming into contact with chemicals during life in the 21st century. Whilst we stay extremely aware of the chemical content of our food, and many people – if not in fact all people – now try and avoid conventional or mass produced food stuffs where there is a fear that an overhanging number of chemicals exist and choose instead natural or organic produced products.

The thought that the same principal should apply to skincare is less well established but is now rapidly catching up with the slow and organic food movements which have been gathering momentum during the last five years or so.

The reason for this is simply put: our skin absorbs the substances, creams and so on that we put onto it in exactly the same way that our body absorbs the various aspects of the food that we put into it, and for this reason many people are using natural skincare products as a means of retracting away from the synthetic present that we have built for ourselves and back towards a more natural and easy time.


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